A Discriminatory Application of the Law
The Lich/Barber trial shows the legal system targeting those who embarrass power (300 words, 2 min.)
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The Tamara Lich/Chris Barber trial shows an immense quantity of police and prosecutorial resources deployed against two peaceful protesters, guilty at most of counseling parking violations embarrassing to progressive elites.
Few know that on exactly the same day — 17 Feb 2022 — that Tamara Lich was arrested there was a real terrorist attack on the Coastal GasLink work site in British Columbia. Three days earlier the Emergencies Act had been invoked, justified by a torrent of rhetoric about violent extremism. This did not prevent anarchists, i.e. Antifa, from launching a highly-coordinated attack in approximately platoon strength on Coastal GasLink.
This is the Emergencies Act: highly effective against workers and business owners, not so much against real terrorists.
No arrests have been made in the Coastal GasLink attack, though the RCMP unit investigating has subsequently itself been the subject of further firebomb attacks. (see video below).
I do not doubt that the RCMP on the ground in BC are doing their best to find the Coastal GasLink terrorists. But the politicians and the bureaucratic state, including the upper reaches of the security services, are not too upset with environmental protest, with whose aims they sympathize.
It's two working-class people from Medicine Hat and Swift Current, who wanted the bureaucratic state to meddle a little bit less, who really embarrassed them.
Under anarcho-tyranny, the enforcement of the law is selective and instrumental, and primarily focused upon the enemies of the powerful. That is why Tamara went to jail, and Antifa terrorists are still at large.
A CBC report:
Stills - the original attack on the Coastal GasLink worksite:
The later firebomb attack on RCMP vehicles: